
How much Does a Laser Tattoo Removal Cost?

how-much-is-tattoo-removalFor sure, cost for laser removal treatment varies greatly on the type, size and age of the tattoo. What is known to be accurate in getting rid of these tattoos is through determining the number of sessions for the removal to be completed. By analyzing the tattoo, experts can tell you how many treatments you would need to undergo to have your tattoo treated. In fact, dermatologists, estheticians and laser technicians have developed a way to determine the number of sessions needed to fully remove the tattoo. This is known as the Kirby-Desai Scale. By way of numerical grading, several factors are identified to determine the number of sessions needed. The lower the number is the lesser number of sessions required to remove tattoos. These factors include the following:

  • Type of Skin. Removal of tattoo on light and dark colored skins varies, although the treatment is effective for both types. Dark colored skin tends to elicit a higher success rate than light skin. Another difference is that light skin tends to endure the treatment in lesser sessions.
  • The Area Where the Tattoo is Located. Tattoos in the neck and head are easier to remove because there is a large vascular supply in these areas. Laser treatment makes use of pulse light that targets the ink and breaks them into smaller bits which are then processed by the body’s system and eventually flushed out. The bigger the vascular supply the higher the success rate of removal.
  • Concentration and Amount of Ink. It follows, naturally, that when there is more ink in the tattoo, the longer the session will be. This is determined by how the tattoo was acquired – either through a professional or amateur work. Professional artists use equipment and devise that enable them to make regular inking patterns and depth unto the skin. This makes the ink to be burrowed deeper, making the sessions more challenging and longer. Amateur tattoo artists, on the other hand, produces uneven and shallow patterns on the skin, thus, making the sessions way easier than those made by professional artists.
  • Ability of the Skin and Tissue to Heal. Dark skin tends to develop scarring from laser tattoo removal. This means that it may require more sessions. More sessions mean additional cost.
  • Tattoo Size. Dermatologists usually charge treatment depending on the size of the tattoo – the larger it is, the bigger the cost. This is determined per square inch. One square inch may vary on the clinic and the reputation of the doctor. Cost per square inch is $49 to $300. You do the math.
  • Some other factors like the type of laser to be used for the treatment, and the presence of a cover-up – which is usually when the person decides to cover a tattoo with yet another tattoo.

When all these factors are taken into, the patient may have to shell out several hundreds to thousands of dollars. It is that costly. But laser tattoo removal will positively give you the most favorable outcome given its effectiveness and safety in the medical practice.

When considering removing your tattoo, be sure to include laser tattoo removal, and ask your dermatologist about how you can avail one to get your pristine-looking skin and confidence back.

Tattoo and the Process of Removing it through Different Methods

A tattoo is a form of decoration for the body where an ink – usually indelible – is inserted into the top part of the skin called a dermis, by way of small needles. The ink remains on the skin, often until the tattooed person dies or voluntarily removes it.

Getting a tattoo is something that gives some people a sense of fulfillment, a personal gratification that makes them feel a lot better. For some people, getting a tattoo is a form of self-expression, an art that allows them to channel creativity and randomness through inking themselves and transforming their skin into a beautiful canvas that could display all sorts of subjects – from the beautiful to the unusual, to the bizarre and abstract. Some tattoos even display expressions and elements of love and affection towards another person.

This bodily modification is a form of ornament that gives the bearer a feeling of achievement and even a source of joy for some people. It serves to decorate the body through its ornate and intricate artistic designs that could be in plain black or colored ink.

As a reference, it would be best to learn the history and development of tattooing for this topic.

How Tattooing Began and Evolved

Historical records and evidence dating back to 6000 BC show that tattooing has been practiced widely. Although tattoo takes origin from Euroasian customs, it spread to various places and continents bearing different meanings and uses as well as relevance and intent. In most cases, they bore cultural significance that elevate tattooing as an exclusive form of art reserved only for a few select people who deserve it.

Julius Caesar, in an account in Gallic Wars written in about 54 BC, described this art in some details as contained in Book V.

Several mummies were also excavated and shown to contain great details and means of tattooing and influences coming from all other places in Asia, Europe and some parts of South America. Studying these mummified remnants, archaeologists discovered many ways by which tattoos were made. Some are through cuts and wounds from which ink or ashes are rubbed into; others through ceremonies, while some receive tattoos as a part of a prize during battles

Tattoos as Symbols

Tattoos are viewed differently in many cultures and countries. They bear significant meanings and relevance that speak of many customs and traditions. They go beyond self-expression or artistic endeavors. In many parts of the world, tattoos are regarded as a rite of passage – a symbol for transcendence or a change of status and rank. Tattoos could also signify bravery and triumph in battles. In some cultures, they are a symbol of fertility or a form of adornment that could signify a sexual lure. In Asia, tattoos are mostly symbols of protection and bravery, possessing the same regard that people have for talismans and amulets which bring in power and safety for the bearer. Certainly, there are various cultural reasons why certain tribes and ethnic group prefer to have tattoos.

In the modern era, tattoos carry an assortment of meaning. There are various reasons why tattoos became a popular trend, especially among young people. Here are just few reasons why tattoos get to be more appealing at this modern time:

  • Tattoo is a form of self-expression. It is something that gives the bearer a sense of identity and expression. In most cases, people get them to mark a significant happening in their lives – an event, a loss, even a zodiac symbol he identifies with.
  • Tattoo makes a unique fashion statement. Getting a tattoo is a personal style that provides a sense of originality for the bearer, like a fashion style that sets him apart, or identifies him with a particular circle or group.
  • It seeks to honor a loved one, not necessarily dead. Tattoos are a great way for some people to express affection and love for another. In some cases, it is done in honor of a departed loved one who has made an impact in his life or career.
  • Identification. Tattoos are used in some places as a form of identification. Notable to mention are the ones that are made in prison where such tattoos are given to signify membership with a clan or group or even a gang. To some extent, tattoos like this give the bearer a sense of both threat and security.
  • As a form of Getting Income. There are individuals that offer their bodies for canvas so some businesses can print their logo on them. There is one such case where a woman offered her forehead to be tattooed with the logo of the establishment in exchange for $15,000. Here’s hoping that if you do get a tattoo for this reason, you won’t regret it in the future.
  • Cosmetic reasons. Permanent make-ups like lipstick and eyebrow make-up are just some examples of this type of tattooing. It is often a non-invasive process that requires a re-touching after some few years.

Whatever the reason may be for getting a tattoo, it makes a lot of sense to think with much consideration and caution first. The thing with regretting (with tattoos) is that it may involve some processes and treatment that may be painful and costly for others. It’s not like you can always decide to have it removed one day when you get tired of seeing it. Tattoo removal is a different process altogether.

Tattoo Removal

Removing tattoos is engulfed with many reasons as there are in getting them. It could be because it keeps you from getting a job, or that it reminds you no more than a sense of regret. It could also be because you don’t want to be associated with it anymore (in case you had it to identify with an organization or a gang). Another reason why you wanted it removed is that it affects your confidence, like it is a hideous reminder of your immaturity and why you have the tattoo in the first place. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s just plain ugly – and you want it off, plain and simple.

Tattoo Removal Methods

Numerous ways have been devised, studied and tested in removing tattoos. Since the ink is in the dermis part of the skin, removing it may involve some ways that could be between non-invasive to the more costly and intensive surgeries. A few of these methods are:

Creams and Other DIY Options

Although this method does not guarantee 100% removal of tattoos from your skin, it does have some effect in lightening the surface. Especially if you do not want to go through a laser surgery (where it can cost you a lot actually), this option is something most people may be skeptical about. A product known as Tat B Gone can be purchased over-the-counter, and when applied on the skin for a period of two months, would yield results to almost 90% removal of the tattoo – this, of course, according to the manufacturer. There is much research and testing that must still be done to ensure its success in removing tattoos. If you want to try this cheap method – about $ 125 for a two-month use – you can go ahead and do it. It’s convenient and does not require you to lie on a clinic bed.

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy

This method is similarly engineered to that of laser removal treatment. IPL sessions start with gel application on the part of the body which is to be treated, and then a wand-like device emitting pulse light is directed onto the affected area. Because it is pulsed light being used here, it is less painful than laser procedures. In fact, some spas have been using this new technique. A contradiction from other tattoo removal specialists, though, has made some sort of a stir regarding this new method. The specific reason is yet to be known. What is known is that this procedure is too expensive – $10 for one pulse. If you have a large tattoo to be treated, you may want to consider other options.

Dermabrasion and Excision

These medical methods of removing tattoo are said to be the most painful procedures. In Dermabrasion, it involves the process of “smoothing out” the affected area through friction, taking off some external part of the skin including your tattoo, of course. With excision, the surgeon actually cuts the part where the tattoo is, and that the skin – like a piece of cloth – is surgically sewn back, closing the slit. These methods, because of the amount of pain it may inflict on the patient, are less recommended. It may also create major scarring that may provide the patient memory for a lifetime.

Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser tattoo removal is by far the more popular way of getting rid of this body modification. Through the technology that we now have, tattoos can be removed safely and with maximum-yielding results. The patient is first given local anesthesia and, targeting the ink, a ray of concentrated pulse light is aimed at the affected area, infringing the ink into manageable blots until they are finally gone. Sessions may vary depending on the size of the tattoo. A regular session may last for minutes to hours depending on the situation and concentration of ink on the skin. For sure, the tattoo will not be removed totally in just one session. This means that you have to be financially prepared when undergoing this treatment.

Laser tattoo removal does not involve cutting through your skin, it is almost non-abrasive but the constant exposure to the pulse light may result to some serious scabs and blister. Some experts would say that the present technology being used is so effective that no scarring is visibly seen.

For many, laser tattoo removal is considered to be a popular choice. It is safe and gives favorable results to the patient. The only downside here is that it can be very expensive.

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